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05 Dec 2021

New arrival and News. 05.12.2021

Dear partners,

We have received new models of speakers:

Solo 100 (6,5 size)
Solo 150 (6,5 size)
Ruby 8v2
Ruby AIR 8 v2

Ruby 6.5 Perfomance – pre-order is open

the products have already been added to the site.
drawings also.
Photos will be added soon.

we also want to inform you that we now have 4 price lists on the site:

L1 / L2 / L3 / L4

In December 2021, you will receive new contracts for 2022.

The order turnover analytics system is still operating manually.
In the future, it will be automatically in your online account.

For those whose status has become worse, we will keep your current status for the whole of December.
For whom it is better – we will change it to a better one.
The next status update will be on January 3, 2022 for everyone. Then every month there will be a purchase check.